function introducePerson("Mrinalini Sinha")


var whoIAm = Software Engineer && Hiker && Considerate && Artist && Adventurer && Curious && Peaceful && Content;
//name.pronounce == Mrin-Ah-Lyn-Ee<;
//name.alternative == Mrin;

var whereIveBeen = "After graduating from NYU with a degree that failed to bring me even an iota of excitement, I eventually discovered the second-chances that are web development bootcamps. A few months of self learning (and self-hatred from all the struggling), I enrolled in a web development bootcamp. Following my second graduation, I began spending copious amounts of time every single day with 2 of my ex-cohorts, programming and hustling for freelance gigs together. Our team is currently on break, but we intend to reunite in the near future to amalgamate our sharper and more varied skills." ;

var checkProgress = Currently, I'm intenring full-time as a software engineer over at Hunter Industries. The software team is a combination of brilliant, interesting, genuine and fun individuals; they follow, along with the agile manifesto and its practices, the method of Mob-Programming";



OBE Systems

OBE Systems

A simple website for a hardware & software engineering firm. Built with HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. One of the first projects I did as a part of the MPS Devs team.


Coastal Culture TM

A blog site for a client-- a concert & book critic who focuses on local artists and authors. The client is able to uplaod and manage blog posts, as well as upload event sto a calendar. The website will be going live soon, check back soon for a link!

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Rock, Paper, Scissors

A player vs computer Rock-Paper-Scissors game made in my free time in order to practice front-end programming. Made with jQuery, a simple single-play humanvs computer that still manages to keep me entertained for hours.



A Rails app built to unite dog-lovers and dog-friendly events. I was responsible for the search bar, creating, managing & viewing RSVPs, social media login/sharing with APIs, google maps APIs & a calendar of events, among other features.



An app that enables users to upload, find, and save landmarks near them. Users are also able to rate and review landmarks, as well as search for landmarks by zipcode or keywords.



A simple, single-player recreation of battleship. The user gets 30 torpedoes to hit 5 ships that have been randomly placed on a board of a 100 squares. A game of pure luck.

Sometimes I draw. To see things I've skethced on my computer, click on my drawing of a bento box!


I have a B.A. in Economics from NYU, along with a minor in Middle Eastern Studies.

I can build interactive web apps using Ruby on Rails & several other techonologies.

Volunteering is my hobby, like when I taught refugee youth through the IRC.

I spend 15+ hours a week teaching taking classes on Discrete Mathematics, Data Structures and Algorithms through MIT OpenCourseWare to supplement my bootcamp education.

An award from La Maison Française for outstanding scholastic ahievement in French.

An amateur dabbling with pen and ink drawings(1)(2); the promise of creativity is what lured me to programming.

My senbazuru in progress | 435/1000

I am currently teaching myself C#, Cross-Platform Mobile Development and developing Alexa Skills

Have an idea for an app? Want to learn some new technologies together? Looking to hire? Let's connect!

GitHub mrinsin LinkedIn Mrin Sinha | Cell (628) 225-9756
View resume Twitter @mrin_sin